Director: D. Emilio Chuvieco Salinero
Professor of Geography at the University of Alcalá, where he directs the master’s degree in Geographic Information Technologies and coordinates the "Research Group in Environmental Remote Sensing". He has been researching for nearly 30 years on the use of Earth observation satellites in monitoring natural phenomena, and the last 10 on ethical and moral values in environmental conservation.

Secretary: D. Mario Burgui Burgui
He obtained a degree in Biology from the University of Navarra and a Ph.D. in Spatial Planning and Environment from the University of Zaragoza. Likewise, he obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Moral Philosophy from the University of Murcia. His main lines of research are Environmental Ethics and Landscape Geography.

Investigator: Dña. Mª Delioma Rodríguez Coello
Delioma Rodríguez has a degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a Master's degree in Geophysics and Meteorology from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master's degree in Corporate Social Responsibility from the University of Alcalá. Its main lines of work are Carbon Footprint and Responsible Consumption.

External collaborator: Dña. Anabel Rocío Orellano
Anabel Orellano is a professor at the Catholic University of Santa Fe (Argentina). Doctor in History, Culture and Thought (University of Alcalá). Master in Biodiversity, Landscapes and Sustainable Management (University of Navarra). Environmental Engineer (National University of the Litoral). Research lines: Sociocultural aspects of environmental problems. Climate Change Mitigation.