• Emilio Chuvieco, Mario Burgui-Burgui, Edson Vicente Da Silva, Khalid Hussein, Khaula Alkaabi (2018). Factors affecting environmental sustainability habits of university students: Intercomparison analysis in three countries (Spain, Brazil and UAE) Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 198, Pages 1372-1380
    Resumen: This work presents an analysis of the environmental habits of university students from three countries: Spain, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Three hypotheses are contrasted: The first, that sustainability indicators will be higher for students of careers related to the environment than for those of other disciplines, since the former should have a greater interest in environmental issues. The second hypothesis stated that the sustainability habits of students in careers related to the environment will be greater for those in higher courses than for those in lower courses, since they would be better informed about ecological problems and the importance of acting. The final hypothesis was that sustainability habits will be higher for students with greater concern for the environment. Other possible factors that influence sustainability habits, such as gender and country, were also analyzed.
  • Burgui-Burgui, M. (2023). Methodological proposal for integrating the competencies and learning objectives relating to responsible consumption and climate action (sustainable development goals 12 and 13) into educational programs Cruz-Carvajal, I., Méndez Domínguez, C., Suay Pérez, F., Sostenibilidad e internacionalización como pilares de vanguardia educativa (1ª ed., 1069 pp.). Ed. Dykinson
    Resumen: The general objective of this methodological proposal is to adapt the transversal competencies and specific learning objectives of SDGs 12 (“Responsible production and consumption”) and 13 (“Climate action”) to the program of subjects related to environmental issues. To do this, a practical activity was designed that would allow students to work on these skills and objectives in a way applied to their daily lives. The activity included: 1) The calculation of the students' personal carbon footprint; 2) The diagnosis of the current circumstances of the students (SWOT matrix); 3) The approach to your personal objectives (SMART matrix); and 3) The actions necessary to achieve these objectives (CAME matrix).
  • Burgui-Burgui, M. (2023). Case studies as a pedagogical tool for integrating the competencies and learning objectives related to the sustainable development goals into educational syllabuses Cruz-Carvajal, I., Méndez Domínguez, C., Suay Pérez, F., Sostenibilidad e internacionalización como pilares de vanguardia educativa (1ª ed., 1069 pp.). Ed. Dykinson
    Resumen: This methodological proposal pursues the general objective of evaluating the suitability of the Case Studies for the adaptation to the educational field of the key transversal competencies for sustainability defined by the United Nations and the specific learning objectives of the 17 SDGs. For this purpose, a practical activity was designed following the Case Method and the key pedagogical approaches of Education for Sustainable Development.
  • Emilio Chuvieco (2019). Bioethics and ecoethics: promoting dialogue Alfa y Omega, Nº 1146
    Resumen: The article highlights the common points between Ecoethics and Bioethics, and it is argued that the differences that have arisen between both disciplines in our country are due to ideological aspects rather than their philosophical foundations (Original Publication).
  • Burgui, M. (2008). Environment and quality of life Cuadernos de Bioética, XIX-2ª, 66, 293-317.
    Resumen: This article takes an approach to the concept of quality of life in relation to the environment, analyzing the different environments in which human beings carry out their activities and how ecological, cultural, and socioeconomic factors influence quality people's lives. In addition, some proposals are made to improve the quality of life, either through public participation —individual or collective—, or by raising awareness of one's life habits.
  • Resumen: This article attempts to point out some points of convergence in the man-nature relationship between the traditions of the great religions, as well as to present a critical evaluation of how these approaches have changed conservationist practices in practice in countries that follow these traditions.
  • Chuvieco, E. (2012). Is Christianity responsible for the planet’s environmental crisis? Estudios Geográficos, LXXIII, 273, 421-447 (doi: 410.3989/estgeogr.201215).
    Resumen: In the sixties, the debate began on the role that Christianity has had in the environmental degradation of the planet, accusing it of having granted the human being a dominant status compared to the rest of the created beings. This article reviews the different responses that have been given to these criticisms from the historical and theological point of view. In the second part, it is analyzed to what extent this supposed aggressive character of Christianity vis-a-vis other religions is manifested in the environmental situation of Christian countries compared to others where other religions are the majority. For this, different indicators related to environmental health and the health of ecosystems are used. It is concluded that Christian countries do not present a worse environmental situation than those representing other religions. A clear correlation between wealth level and environmental quality is observed for Christian countries, which is not so evident in Hindus or Muslims. At a similar level of wealth and population, Christian countries offer higher environmental quality values ​​than those found in countries with other religious traditions. Although it cannot be concluded from our analysis that Christianity promotes environmental conservation, the results indicate at least, that the opposite hypothesis can be rejected, since Christian countries do not present significantly worse indicators than those found in representative countries of other religious traditions.
  • Ballesteros, J. (2014). Humanist environmentalism against Chrematistics Conference given during the summer course “Why the conservation of nature?”, Santander, June 2014.
    Resumen: In-depth analysis of the current economic, social, and environmental crisis, looking for the ultimate causes and making proposals in this regard. The author criticizes the cult of money and the misuse of technology, and highlights the importance of the human being in the context of global environmental problems, the dilemma of international inequalities and the need to replace the enlargement of space and the oversizing that dominates our current life, by the revaluation of the person and a new use of time.
  • Chuvieco, E. and Burgui, M. (2015). Environmental Ethics and Business Profesiones, 157, 38-39.
    Resumen: The article deals with the main aspects that relate environmental ethics with the business world, highlighting the positive points that this discipline can bring to the company.
  • Burgui, M. (2015). Hans Jonas: conservation of nature, conservation of life Cuadernos de Bioética XXVI 2015/2ª, 87, 253-266.
    Resumen: This article discusses several interrelated problems that the German philosopher Hans Jonas studied. The first of these is the need for a specific ethic dedicated to the moral dimension of environmental problems, from a perspective other than the traditional one. The second problem occupies a central place in the discussion in environmental ethics: the value of nature. Does it have intrinsic value or only an instrumental value (to satisfy the interests of the human being)? In this regard, Jonas's thesis is exposed according to which nature not only has intrinsic value but is a good. And the third problem is the derivation of moral norms and the role of man in this ethic that recognizes a good in nature. According to Jonas, the human being is not devalued when recognizing the intrinsic value of nature, since the exceptionality and value of nature are unquestionable. Based on these three central issues, the importance of seeking the ties that unite bioethics and environmental ethics is highlighted to face the environmental, social, and economic crisis of the present moment.
  • Chuvieco, E. & Burgui, M. (2016). The ecological conversion of the parishes Palabra, 645, 68-69.
    Resumen: The article comments on the publication of a guide to better environmental practices for parishes based on the encyclical Laudato si' by Pope Francis, as well as some of the main lines to follow that are proposed in the guide to seek sustainability as well in our daily life.
  • Chuvieco, E. (2016). The States are committed to taking care of the “common home” Palabra, 634, 8-12.
    Resumen: The Catholic Church is not immune to the important global challenge of reversing the effects of climate change that affects the entire planet. Pope Francis marked the moral path to follow in his encyclical Laudato si´, some of whose teachings have been reflected in the agreement reached at the recent Paris Climate Summit.
  • Chuvieco, E., Burgui, M. & Gallego-Álvarez, I. (2016). Impacts of Religious Beliefs on Environmental Indicators. Is Christianity More Aggressive Than Other Religions? Worldviews, 20, 251–271.
    Resumen: This article analyses whether there is a relationship between religious practices and global environmental indicators. Control factors were generated to eliminate the influence of external variables, such as economic level or governance. The analysis was conducted at the country level for the entire world and at the provincial level for the African continent. The results show that the territories with a predominance of Christianity have better environmental indicators both at the national and provincial levels; although, we still do accept that religion is a factor with very little influence on the environmental situation in general. 
  • Chuvieco, E. & Burgui, M. (2016). Impact of Religious Affiliation on Ethical Values of Spanish Environmental Activists Religions, 7(5), 46.
    Resumen: In this study, the impact of religion on the ethical values ​​of Spanish ecologists in relation to the environment was analysed, based on an online survey and a work seminar in which representatives of the main environmental NGOs in Spain participated. The religious affiliations of the respondents were found to be significantly different compared to those of Spanish society, with a much higher proportion of Buddhists, agnostics, and atheists, and a smaller proportion of Catholics. The environmental values ​​of the NGO members did not show significant differences according to the religious group, which implies that religious beliefs do not affect ethical values ​​related to the environment. However, religion did have a significant influence on activists' views on other bioethical issues. Catholics and believers of other religions were found to be more in favour than agnostics and atheists of introducing ethical limits on abortion, euthanasia, or the manipulation of human embryos.
  • Chuvieco, E., Sánchez, M. & Settele, J. (2016). Religion and science: boost sustainability Nature, 538, 459.
    Resumen: This letter explains the main conclusions of the ISSREC (International Seminar on Science and Religion cooperation for Environmental Care), which took place in Torreciudad on June 20th and 21th (2016), and the statement proposed by the scientists and religious leaders who participated in the event (Declaration of Torreciudad).
  • Chuvieco, E. (2017). Science and Religion for the care of the common home Teología y catequesis, 136, 13-30.
    Resumen: Some reflections are presented on the collaboration between science and religions to improve the care of the environment, based on the encyclical Laudato si 'by Pope Francis. Faced with those who have accused the text of having little scientific basis, the first part shows how it is quite consistent with the scientific knowledge we have of environmental problems, giving as an example their comments on the relevance of climate change and the importance of its mitigation . In a second part, it reflects on the interest that science and religions collaborate more closely in the face of environmental challenges and the importance of both recognizing their mutual contributions: science as a means of understanding environmental problems and following their trends, and religions as sources of inspiration and ethical values ​​to modify unsustainable patterns of production and consumption.
  • Emilio Chuvieco (2017). The “Ecological conversion” in the “Laudato Si’” and in the Christian tradition La Albolafia: Revista de Humanidades y Cultura, Nº. 10, págs. 27-41.
    Resumen: In this work, some reflections on the meaning and scope of the concept "ecological conversion" are presented, and in my opinion, one of the most innovative and relevance of the encyclical Laudato si’ by Pope Francis. It is not only about a conversion in consumption or transportation habits, but mainly a new consideration of who we are and how we should relate to others and to the environment. Ecological conversion involves considering ourselves as part of a greater whole, created by God and not by us, and therefore with a responsibility before the Creator for how we treat other human beings and other creatures. This translates into a change in the lifestyle, but especially in our mental schemes, recovering the sacred sense of Nature, as an image of God, and the intrinsic value that all created beings have.
  • Chuvieco, E.; Burgui, M; da Silva, E.V.; Hussein, K.; Alkaabi, K. (2018). Factors affecting environmental sustainability habits of university students: Intercomparison analysis in three countries (Spain, Brazil and UAE) Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 198, Pages 1372-1380.
    Resumen: This paper presents an analysis on the environmental habits of university students in three countries: Spain, Brazil, and United Arab Emirates (UAE). We tested three hypotheses: The first is that sustainability indicators will be higher for students of environmental related degrees than for those of other disciplines, as the former should have greater interest in environmental issues. The second hypothesis stated that sustainability habits of students from environmental majors will be higher for those in upper level courses than for those in lower level courses, as they would be better informed about ecological problems and the importance to act. The final hypothesis was that sustainability practices will be higher for students with higher environmental concern. Other potential drivers of sustainability habits such as gender and country were analyzed as well.