The project “CO2MUNICARB: Carbon Footprint Labeling in food: expectations and preferences from production to consumption” (Reference CM/DEMG/2024-001) has the general objective of deepening the knowledge of the expectations, opinions and behaviors of representatives of the entire food chain regarding carbon footprint labeling in their products. The project was born as a continuation of the pilot study previously promoted by the 2017 Chair of Environmental Ethics of the University of Alcalá in collaboration with the e-SOST research group of the University of Comillas-ICADE, where consumers' reactions to various carbon footprint labeling designs on food products were explored. The study identified several challenges and areas that require further and updated research. The CO2MUNICARB project seeks to address precisely these challenges, expanding the scope of the previous study to include a wider range of stakeholders (farmers and retailers), more advanced analysis methodologies and virtual shopping simulations. CO2MUNICARB aims not only to improve the effectiveness of carbon footprint labeling, but also to foster greater sustainability in the agri-food sector, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), mainly SDGs 12 and 13.
This project has been funded within the framework of the Call for the Emerging Doctors Line within the Agreement between the Community of Madrid and the University of Alcalá for the promotion of Research and Technology Transfer (2023-2026) (Resolution of June 11, 2024). The project runs from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026, and involves researchers from the research groups GITA (UAH), INNOGREEN (UAH) and e-SOST (ICADE).