New edition of the Environmental Ethics manual "Caring for the Earth: Introduction to Environmental Ethics" written by Prof. Emilio Chuvieco Salinero, Director of our Chair of Environmental Ethics, and Prof. María Ángeles Martín Rodríguez-Ovelleiro.
This book offers a historical tour to understand why Nature conservation is talked about today. The synthesis he presents allows us to understand the evolution of the ideas that have taken root in society since we began to be aware that environmental resources are limited and that the habitability of the planet can be compromised by our lifestyle. In a very informative way, it presents the various ethical positions regarding this problem, as well as the connections between the cosmological visions of the great religions and our attitude towards the environment.
With a simple style, this book aims to serve as a guide for those who want to better understand the various ideologies and approaches that are proposed as solutions to environmental problems. We try to encourage an active personal stance towards a task that concerns us all, since it is not only the conservation of the planet, but also our future as a human species.
Available in paper form on Amazon (https://amzn.to/3MeBQjb) and other e-commerce stores.